CBD Bath Bombs - A Deep Dive with Mint Wellness

For centuries, humans have utilized bathing for more than just for cleanliness. Alongside bathing, humans have also been utilizing cannabis for a variety of purposes for about the same time! 

The science of relaxation runs deep, and we’re covering a big portion of it here! Have you been curious about the science, benefits, and Do’s and Don’ts surrounding baths and CBD bath bombs? We’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn more! 

Important Bathing Info 

Before we dive into the science behind CBD absorption in the skin, let’s cover the basics of bathing and self care and the Do’s and Don’ts, because there definitely are some! 

Baths are great for self care

Doctors have documented psychological and physiological benefits to running a warm bath when the self-love mood arises. Baths have been shown to help people sleep better, soothe muscles and joints (especially with the use of epsom salts - but not with every session, as salts can dry skin), and improve mood - with limitations. [1] 

Baths Do’s and Don’ts

Before you run your bath, here are some do’s and don’ts for when you get your relax on: 


  • Take a bath every day - baths can dry out your skin
  • Use epsom salts or a bath product every day - can cause irritation and dry skin
  • Use hot water - the advised temperature for a bath is 104 Fahrenheit


  • Take 30 minute bath - baths longer than 30 minutes are not advised
  • Use warm water
  • Use products that you find relaxing - either bath bubbles, bath salts, or even of course, CBD bath bombs! [1]

Upping the bath-time anty with CBD

Because of the complexities and unique applications of the hemp plant, CBD products have expanded and increased to vast offerings. What started out as CBD oil tinctures and CBD salves has now expanded into a plethora of categories like: CBD massage oil, CBD lotions, CBD beverages - the options can be overwhelming! 

Have no fear! One of the easiest, least expensive, and least intimidating introduction products on the CBD market happens to match perfectly with your favorite bath time routine! 

Below you’ll find some explanation on studies relating to cannabinoids like CBD absorbing into the skin - taking your bath time routine to the next level! 

The Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system has been discussed many times before, however the ECS plays into everything biological and hemp focused:

The endocannabinoid system is a receptor system in your body (most commonly researched: CB1 &CB2 receptors) that essentially absorbs nutrients from the hemp plant - which scientists have named - phytocannabinoids. [2]  It also has been found that nearly all animals possess an endocannabinoid system! [3] 

So… what about your skin? 

Research has found thus far that cannabinoids like CBD and others like: CBG, CBN, and CBC, have been shown to be capable of absorbing and interacting with the skin. [4] 

In the following study, “TRP Channel Cannabinoid Receptors in Skin Sensation, Homeostasis, and Inflammation,” a rigorous, conductive study delved into the interactions of cannabis with the skin. 

In that research, scientists found that skin has, “transient receptor potential (TRP),” or an, “ion channel family,” that acts as an “ionotropic cannabinoid receptors.” [4] Although more research is needed to be conducted on these receptors, this study found the following: 

TRP’s are... , “intimately involved in cutaneous processes that include the initiation of pain, temperature, and itch perception, the maintenance of epidermal homeostasis, the regulation of hair follicles and sebaceous glands, and the modulation of dermatitis.” [4]

This promising study has begun to uncover a multi-faceted cannabinoid receptor (aside from CB1 and CB2) that may interact with your pain receptors, itch perception, and general homeostasis (inner self-regulation in the body.) [5]

Why Mint Bath Bombs?

Mint Wellness is committed to expanding and providing the proper information to their staff and customers. Along with true education, Mint Wellness provides consistent testing for each of their products, and uses quality ingredients including: 200mg THC free CBD and soothing ingredients like Epsom Salt and natural colorants for that color pop in the tub. 

With four scents of unique combinations, Mint Wellness offers luscious bath bombs that will leave your bathroom smelling incredible!

So there you have it, folks!

We hope that this blog has helped explain a little more about how CBD and bath bombs are a great correlation together and go get yourself some Mint Bath Bombs!  

Written by the owner of Modest Hemp Co. - Taylor Thompson

[1] https://health.clevelandclinic.org/reasons-to-take-a-bath/

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2241751/

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6770351/

[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4240254/

[5] https://www.britannica.com/science/homeostasis

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